Over the course of 6 months, I have been putting my nose to the grindstone on getting my artwork back up to snuff again. Wow, I’m smelling a theme in puns here. I had shared my #topnine of 2018 out to the cosmos and already I’m feeling a little more comfortable with my artist self.
I have drawn…
done research,
scanned through, followed, liked and retweeted artists on social media,
talked with creative professionals…
…did I mentioned I have been drawing? Heh…
Anywho, I have been really doing my artist homework, due to the fact that I’m serious about pursuing it. I’m all in baby and nothin’ aint holding me back! Well, actually there was one thing I fear…myself. Why? Because, I am my own worst critic. I look at a drawing sometimes and I think, wow this is absolute crap - and then away it goes to the trash bin.
I have also noticed this aggravation among other artists on social media too. At first, I’m relieved that I’m not the only one feeling down about my work, sometimes, but then I see a repetition in their posts. A pattern of sorts, almost to the point of depression and that makes me sad…
Hey, an alert. I open my notifications and I get a friend saying “So talented, Robin!” or “Amazing” and that makes me smile.
This was one of the topics that came up in my last coffee meeting with a local artist pal, Michael Zawacki. A lot of times, us creatives will think it is best to combat the world all alone. Why, you may ask again? Honestly, I don’t know. I have been a team player on the soccer fields, on military bases and in design agencies, for most of my life, so this kind of thing really doesn’t make any sense to me. I feel we can learn from one another and we can grow from one another, too. I have learned that giving back is so much more rewarding then just taking for yourself, all the time. Mike feels the same way.
We exchanged our thoughts and art tips to one another. We also both exchanged encouraging words and complements on certain pieces we liked of each others work. This is what is it all about. Spreading a little bit of art love. You know what, let’s change that phase to #artlove. Use it! When you see someone’s work, use this hashtag. I’m telling you, a few kind words will go a long way to an artist (and really, to anyone). It did for me that day I met up with my artist friend. I went right home and started up some more sketches - more ideas flooded my head. I felt recharged and inspired by Zawacki Art!
I mean, how can you not be…
Source: Instgram @zawackiart
His paintings are SO RAD! The vibrant colors and detail- then you feast your eyes on his coffee paintings. Yes you heard me correctly, this guy can use coffee as a medium…WHAT?!
Source: Instgram @zawackiart
Maybe it was super appropriate that were hanging out at a coffee shop? :)