Several weeks ago I was able to see Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse with my family and it was AMAZING…no wait, SPECTACULAR…actually, it’s all of the above! If you get it, you are a Spider-Man fan.
Aside the fact that this movie broke creative grounds with it’s comic inspired ink strokes, vibrant color scheme and pop-up dialogue graphics, it also sent home a good message that anyone can don on the Spider-Man threads. A lesson that the legend himself, Stan Lee, conveyed as well - we are all superheros in our own way.
A social media creative frenzy soon emerged from the movie’s coat tails with the “spidersona” hashtag. People started placing up their own original characters (OCs) of our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man with part of themselves intertwined into their artwork. My artist friend, Mike, pinned up his own #spidersonas and I commented on how great they all were. He then responded back with...
“It’s now your turn.”
My turn? I now can be Spider-Man, too? Hmm. My brain started to flicker as I imagined myself putting on the red and blue mask. With a smirk on my face, I replied.
“Challenge accepted.”
I first started with some sketches. I had seen Spider-Man movies, comics and even the Saturday morning 80’s TV show, but now, I am creating my own artwork inspired by him. Now, it’s personal and unfortunately I wasn’t feeling any of my initial drawings. I didn’t really see my own self emerge from Spider-Man, so I took a break and began to run on the treadmill. I do that when I’m stuck. I will run and let my mind go. As I was focusing on the rhythm of my breathing, I started to see myself running through the woods during a trail run.
With nature all around me and the upcoming ridge at my feet…
I would normally have to stop and access how to get around the ravines, but with my Spidey senses tingling all I had to do was extend my arm out and fly through the air with my webbed threads.
I then ran upstairs and began to feverishly draw. I got out my trail running gear, took pictures for sketch references and started to see my #spidersona come to life. And here she is…
Meet Robin.
She’s just your friendly neighborhood mom that likes to draw and dotes over her son, but when Robin puts on her trail running Spider-Gal suit she becomes someone else. You see, she never got bitten by a radioactive spider or anything…Robin simply loves the outdoors and trail running. Instead of big city sky scrapers, Robin takes to the wooden paths, mountain ridges and tree lines with a little help from her spider webbing. Due to her love for her son and the outdoors, Robin’s spidey senses go off whenever Mother Earth is in need of help. She protects the environment for nature’s sake, for her son’s future and for herself - the trail blazing Spider-Mom! What do you think? :)