This is me.
Born to two geeks. My mother is a lover of music. Doesn't the flower in her hair say it all? She was a regular concert goer, as a teen, and first generation Music Television watcher. Yup, as soon as that rocket ship launched and the little astronaut dude staked the MTV flag "on the moon" the living room was graced with VJs and music videos every morning.
My father, on the other hand, was the quintessential original dad nerd we all know and love today. He played video games on his Intellivision, watched Sci-Fi TV, cartoons and movies along with writing MS DOS programs and DnD strategies in his man cave. He did all this with me by his side -- his nerdy little companion. It was only a matter of time till I took up my own geek-like obsessions and hobbies that were influenced by my parents pop culture goodness, they instilled in me. This was when I started to draw.
Every Saturday morning, at precisely 6:30 am, I would run down the stairs and click on Captain Bob to start my drawing lesson. Captain Bob would call out the step-by-step sketching instructions and I would feverishly move my pencil (or eraser) around the pad of paper to create the day's masterpiece. After that, I would watch the rest of the Saturday morning line-up, but would occasionally glance down at my art and smile.
My childhood days of learning how to draw thanks to Captain Bob!
I began to draw the cartoons that I loved watching on television. Voltron, She-Ra, ThunderCats, Jem, My Little Pony along with so many more 80s and 90s characters who covered my drawing pads and bedroom walls. Though, when it was time to go off to college, all my drawing for fun stopped. I took the serious sidestep into corporate marketing and put down my illustrations. I thought I had to leave this chapter of my life behind me in order to "grow up". Occasionally, I would think about my drawing and how much I missed it, but time still went on.
About three months ago, I was peering at countless emails from clients on mundane tasks that were not of my graphic design ninja skills. Things that I didn't want to do anymore -- ever again. And, from that point forward, I didn't. I then took this past summer to reevaluate what I wanted to do. What I REALLY wanted to do...
So, here I am again, just a geeky gal wanting to draw. I also decided to document my journey through this personal blog. Geek Gal Go!
Now that I'm also an adult (sort of) I have other facets of my llfe I will be blogging about. I am a mom. I am an adjunct Graphic Design professor at a local community college and a trail runner, so I will have other side stories with a geeky twist, of course. If you would like to come along with me on this journey of mine, feel free to stop by again -- I'd love the company!