“It’s so good to see you!” Julie said with arms wide open.
We sat down together at the nearest booth from which we stood and exchanged initial pleasantries. You see, Julie is a kindred soul to me. We are both moms; happy with our lives and how things were moving forward, but we are also artists. Being an artist is not just a phase or a trend for the time being, it is a way of life. Julie and I both went to school for art and even though I had continued on into becoming a corporate graphic designer, I had given up my drawing and had felt something missing ever since.
During our first coffee meeting, last year, we realized that the artist in us needed to be revived again. Julie and I parted ways with our marching orders; she took a trip to the nearest art supplies shop and I went home and did research on digital tablets. I received a text a little while later…
“My husband isn’t going to be happy with me. I bought A LOT OF STUFF! :)”
I chucked as my eyes danced from the phone to the computer screen on the price of the tablet I wanted to buy. Same here, I thought. I then clicked on the buy button.
Julie quickly became busy with her artwork. I wasn’t surprised because her pieces are absolutely beautiful. I look at them and see the sky she paints come to life. I swear they move. They swirl about the canvas and invite you in, like a gentle wave off the ocean as the piece holds you there.
Julie’s amazing artwork, Blue Day Art.
Julie had asked me to create her logo, this past summer, and I was so honored to do so. I worked hard on the typography of her logo, to make it loop around like the swirls in her masterpieces.
While we worked on her logo together one day, Julie had asked me if I had been practicing my drawing. I hung my head a little and said no. I’ll never forget her gaze back at me.
“You should,” was all she had to say and she was right. Stop procrastinating and get on with it, I thought, as I tore open the box and laid down the tablet in front of me. Deep breath, here we go…
Fast forward to the present day, to our meeting at a local breakfast diner. We talked about our families and upcoming holidays, but we also talked about art. Our deep down infectious love for art. It is so good to have her in my life. An artist that gets it — that gets me. Who encourages and supports me on my journey and visa versa.
Thank you Julie for being that inviting gentle wave. Like the reflections in your artwork, you have shown me what I am capable of and for that I am internally grateful to you. I couldn’t have started this without you…oh and after I press send, here, I’m looking at artists booths that we can sign ourselves up for. :)