I have just dropped my coat and purse, on the floor, in the corner of my room. I’m now sitting infront of the computer writing my next blogpost. I almost skipped this week, but after speaking to my friend, Sonny, I don’t want to forget anything that was said. His words were so inspiring…
Does that ever happen to you? Someone in the cosmos offers you really good advice that gives you all the Hallmark card feels? Well, it just happened to me.
Sonny and I have known each other since college. We were both in the Graphic Design (Digital Arts) program and have remained friends for some time, now. He has always been the one to see something from another creative angle. Calm, cool and level-headed with a dash of crazy-fun describes my pal perfectly. All that, and boy could he draw a really rad Power Puff Girl!
Lately, I have been going over in my head the next steps to my artistic veer in the road. I have pain-stakenly written out countless task lists, pricing sheets and have eyeballed other art professionals on what they do to get commisions. When I mentioned this to my friend over today’s coffee, Sonny nodded and says…
“Don’t just talk about it, do it. Submit your artwork. If you don’t hear back it is no different then you never submitting in the first place, but at least you have a better chance of getting something from it then doing nothing at all.”
Yes to this.
We then went on to talk about me working on building the sturdy foundation of my drawing and how I’m now enrolled in a drawing course to help with that. I let Sonny know that I whole-heartily welcome constructive criticism I need to make my work better. Sonny throws me a cautious eyebrow, along with…
“Yes, it’s good to take the critiques with the mind set that makes sense to your aesthetic. Don’t change your style to become someone else’s, because then it wont be yours anymore. Create, but put your twist on it.”
Amen, brother.
After talking about his studio and his own beautiful artwork, Sonny mentions of an artist event happening, in Hartford, towards the end of the year.
“This open studio is a perfect opportunity to show off your work and make some great connections. It is also a great way to use the time frame ,from now till November, to produce your work and use it as a goal to reach.”
My eyes got all big and watery by the end of our meet up. It was just the advice I needed to set some solid guidelines, yet also throw a little caution to the wind and get my artwork out there. Thank you Sonny for the amazing chat and (in my best Naruto voice) can you be my sensei?